Sunday, February 26, 2012

On to Florida...Hello Lydia!!!

Look at this little doll that was there to greet us......
Grandad "coaching Lydia ... or is it the other way around??
Lunch time with the girls. (Lucy likes to take an active part in this event!)
Out for a stroll in the neighborhood. The weather was so nice. (We knew we were in the south as we saw some houses decorated for Mardi Gras)
Lydia loves being in her stroller and going for walks. And we were told she really loves going for fast jogs with her Daddy!
The ever beautiful view off the balcony...

Having a little friendly rivalry for fun! (cats and hawks)
Go Lydia!!!!!
Grandad and Lydia watching Winnie the Pooh.

Play time with Mom
A beautiful sunset...
Proud father and grandfather.....
Two really sweet girls!

We had a great time with you guys and look forward to our next get together. Lydia has grown and changed so much. What a fun little girl she is!!!!

Getting aquainted with Nathan...

We traveled back to Kansas the first week in February to meet Nathan and visit with all the family. As you can see, Jim is quite taken with his new little grandson.
Grammy and Nathan...
Such a beautiful little boy!

This little guy is soooo sweet!
In less than 30 minutes, Grandad was talking Wildcat football!
In Daddy's arms
Proud Dad Brian and Nathan
Grandad giving it a go with the bottle...
Proud Mom Amy and her little guy...

Great Grandma Ruth sharing a moment with the new member of the family.
Great grandfather Jack, Amy, Great grandmother Ruth and Nathan. Wayne was there as well and we all shared a great afternoon together.
Proud Mommy!!!
Later in the day when everyone had gone home Amy and I shared a quiet time just visiting and watching Nathan sleep. One of the highlights of my trip!!
We had such a wonderful time with the family and especially getting to know Nathan. We are excited to see him again in 2 months knowing he will have changed dramatically from this little guy.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Nathan William Hind

Nathan was born January 6th and weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces.
Congratulations Amy & Brian!
He is beautiful!!