Thursday, December 22, 2011

Grammy's Day with her "Little Darlin"

I spent Halloween weekend at the Tavern household and Leila and I spent the whole day together on Friday when I picked her up at Sandy's. We had so much fun!!!
Leila loves to get into "Grammy's bed!!!
A little Princess time.....
Veggie pumpkins at Sandy's
Great job L !!
Leila's daycare friends Bergen, Kycia and Wyatt
After Sandy's we stopped at Great Harvest Bread Company and had a yummy piece of cinnamon bread.
Hummmmmmm....nice finger!
Then Leila had dance lesson that afternoon. She looks so darn cute in her dance outfits!
Then off to real trick or treating....."Miss" Annie Oakley
Clowning again in Gram's bed
Leila and I have a running joke about my water bottle. She always tries to "steal" it from me and I always "try" to be mad. lol I LOVE my little prankster!

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