Sunday, January 8, 2012

Christmas fun with Family and Friends!

On the weekend before Christmas Jon and Amanda came over for a great day of pre Christmas celebration.Ruby was ready to party as well.....
and Max was just hoping as usual for some piece of food to come his way!
We joined up with Kathy and Tom and drove out to Shafer Vineyards for a little wine tasting and shopping in Miki's Santa Shop.
Even in winter, the vineyard is a beautiful place to be.

Back at Kath and Tom's, we sampled some wine and hors d'oeurves while dinner was cooking.

Master chef!
Jon's favorite dessert and Aunt Kath never lets him down.
Kathy's good friend and co-worker Diane and her daughter Kristen joined us. We had a wonderful evening.

Jackson had to come say hi to Jonny.

Such a fun day!!!

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